BHEA Used Curriculum Sale
The sale will be held in the parking lot at Everett Hills Baptist Church.
Bring cash!
Sellers are encouraged to bring their own tables, chairs, canopy, etc. and/or use the back of your vehicle to display materials. We will have a limited availability of tables for those who need them, but arrangements will need to be made in advance. Please indicate the need when making your reservation.
Sellers may reserve a spot by emailing [email protected]. Confirmation of reservation will be sent via email.
Seller fee will be $5 which is a donation to the church for the use of their facility. Fee will be collected the day of the sale. We kindly ask that you pay the fee if you cancel or are unable to attend out of respect for the church.
Sellers may arrive at 9am for setup.
Date – Time
– 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Everett Hills Baptist Church
401 S. Everett High Road
Maryville, TN 37804 US
401 South Everett High Road, Maryville, TN
Additional Information
The sale will be held in the parking lot at Everett Hills Baptist Church.
Bring cash!
Sellers are encouraged to bring their own tables, chairs, canopy, etc. and/or use the back of your vehicle to display materials. We will have a limited availability of tables for those who need them, but arrangements will need to be made in advance. Please indicate the need when making your reservation.
Sellers may reserve a spot by emailing [email protected]. Confirmation of reservation will be sent via email.
Seller fee will be $5 which is a donation to the church for the use of their facility. Fee will be collected the day of the sale. We kindly ask that you pay the fee if you cancel or are unable to attend out of respect for the church.
Sellers may arrive at 9am for setup.